
Written by Mark A. Vincenti Dec. 12, 2011 Lord, You are enough. But where we are and what we have settled for is not enough. Our emotions fail us. The buzz of experience past has faded and now we long to feel.  It’s not enough for us to just show Read more…

The Lord is calling us

The Lord is calling us By Mark A. Vincenti 4/2/2020 What is it that you are calling us to? Something ancient, yet something new. Radically jolting, yet refreshing too. Laying down earth connections And drawing hearts to You. We’ve been stuck like glue to the world’s web. Spun by the Read more…

Hubris of Humanity

Hubris of Humanity By: Mark A. Vincenti Penned: 3/19/2020 Lord, I’m troubled. The hubris of humanity frightens me. We are tiny life forms floating on a speck of dust in the massive vastness of the universe Cruising through the cosmos on the edge of a spinning milky galaxy Filled with Read more…